Friday, October 7, 2011


It never ends :)

Once I get caught up it seems like things are back at the beginning again. I've been going back and forth trying to find an affordable environmental friendly laundry detergent and haven't had much luck until recently.

After ordering my new cloth diapers I knew I needed a special detergent (I messed up my last set of cloth diapers by using a not so great detergent). The Bungenius detergent seemed expensive so I ended up ordering some Charlie's Soap online.

I love it!!

It has worked wonderfully and we've had no diaper rashes from the cloth diapers as some others have reported. Now I am currently saving up for this.

We do around one load of laundry a day at my house. It seems that is the only way I can stop on top of the laundry here. This pail should last us over 2 1/2 years. That's around $44 a year for laundry detergent.... or $3.67 a month... :)

This is a great price for environmentally friendly laundry detergent.

For more frugal tips visit Lifeasmom!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

And baby makes.... 4

It's been quite a while since my last post... ok 8 months. More than quite a while. But to be fair, I've been a busy lady :)

In January I took a position as a freelance writer for a local online newspaper. I wrote columns about all things regarding being a mommy. Two weeks ago due to budget cuts the mommy column was axed. This means that I've now got more time to go back to my blog and writing about whatever suits my fancy.

I also spent the entire summer sick... I mean sick as a dog sick. With my first little one I never experienced any sickness. With the new little one on the way I've had more sickness than I ever thought possible. But thank goodness the sickness is behind me now as I head into my third trimester.

And we've begun getting things ready for another lady to make her way into our family :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Have you ever gotten that scared feeling in the pit of your stomach? I mean that really scared sinking feeling that makes you feel scared in a way that you've never felt before. That use to be a regular feeling for me. I can remember when I was little and my whole world revolved around being scared (as much a child's can understand fear). I use to be to scared to go to sleep some nights.

That's how my life use to be... in one word: scared.

Now my life is described by a new word: peace.

And I'm so glad it is! Jesus has secured my future and not allowed that feeling of fear in my life anymore. Now, I still have moments when I take my eyes off of Jesus and feel scared about trivial things, but that pit in my stomach fear is no more!

There is nothing that I fear anymore. The enemy has no hold over me. My future is secure!! What else matters?

"I have said these things to you, that in my you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

This post is linked to Wearethatfamily.

Monday, February 7, 2011

What's on our plates

This week we're having...

Monday - It was suppose to be fried rice, but my hubby took me to a wonderful dinner at the Waffle House. I heart waffle house!
Tuesday - Daddy and Daughter day eating chicken nuggets and french fries.
Wednesday - Mac and Cheese
Thursday - What ever you can find night :)
Friday - I've got a new recipe for homemade sloppy joes, I'm hoping it's super yummy!!

For more recipes check out OrgJunkie

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I love Sunday's

I love...

1. My wonderful husband
2. A family that is willing to help out when I'm not feeling my best
3. Broccoli casserole (I know.. I've said this before, but man I love this stuff)
4. A clean and organized house
5. Being caught up with lesson plans

Saturday, February 5, 2011

So we've been sick....

It seems that sickness has made its way through our house. And did I mention that I HATE being sick or anyone being sick for that matter.

2 weeks ago my little one had it. Last week 2 sets of neighbors had it and this week me and my hubby have it.

Hopefully we be back to full swing by the beginning of next week. We've got a full week ahead of us :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dinner this week

We are still cleaning out the pantry this week :)

Monday - Tacos
Tuesday - Eggs and Toast
Wednesday - Mac and Cheese
Thursday - Sausage, Rice, Cream of Mushrooms
Friday - Waffles and Bacon
Saturday - Chicken Sandwiches

My little one tends to be a little picky and I'm ok with her eating something different as long as it is healthy. What we tend to do is to put whatever we are having on her plate (so she gets exposed to it more) and in addition give her something that she likes that is healthy, usually some types of beans and sweet potatoes.

For more menus this week check out OrgJunkie.

If your visiting me from OrgJunkie and are good with grammar check out the previous post on my site... I could use some help with grammar :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I love Sunday's

I love Sunday's or is it Sundays? What is the plural of the word Sunday?'

Oh well...

I love...

1. That Transforming Truth is on TV
2. Blog reading
3. Comments on my various posts
4. Naps with my little one
5. Being almost caught up on Laundry

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Yucky sickness!

After movie night last night my little one came down with a fever. 102.6 This morning it was even higher.

A trip to the doctor to rule out various infections only to find out she has a virus and it has to run its course. This means no church for us tomorrow :( I really enjoy our church and miss it when we can't make it.

Thank goodness I can watch a service on television. Our pastor has a TV ministry called Transforming Truth. It comes on Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings. You can also listen to a podcast here. You should hop over and take a listen! Go! It's good stuff!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cleaning out the pantry

If you read my menu for the week you might remember that I mentioned the recent storm we had required that we stock up on certain foods like bread and milk and we decided to use our grocery budget for it.

If you know me personally you know I'm extremely frugal so our grocery budget is already really low anyway. While we could have chosen to spend more and expand our budget for the week we chose not to and figured out a way to make our budget work...

We organized our pantry :) One day last week I organized our pantry and while organizing I found enough food to last throughout the entire month! I found lots of things that we had on hand and took what was left over and bought a few little things to make those into complete meals as well.

Cleaning our pantry I noticed some food close to expiration that needed to be used up as well as many things I had forgotten we had. Now that everything is organized I hope to be able to keep it this way *crosses fingers*!

For more frugal tips visit LifeAsMom.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Back to life...

I've been a little MIA lately... and for good reason :)

Our preparations for the storm were well worth it! On Sunday night we were blanketed with tons of snow! Between snow and ice we ended up being bound in the house for a week.

It was absolutely wonderful! I took this time to simply be with my family. By the end of the week, many people were ready to be out of their houses and back to what society viewed as being productive. I for one, was not. I loved every second of being stuck in the house with my favorite people.

During the snow storm our neighbors got the chance to come over and let our little ones play. I'm so glad that our little ones are the same age and enjoy playing with one another. I'm also glad that we live so close to such godly people. They are missionaries currently preparing to move to Scotland and I really enjoy spending time with them. You can check out their website here.

Besides playing for most of the day we also spent much time watching movies and eating popcorn. It turns out that my little has inherited my love for popcorn. You see... I use to eat a bag of it every day growing up: EVERY DAY! My little one wanted to as well. We have a popcorn machine where you can watch the popcorn as it pops. Every time she would walk past the cabinet where it is stored she would ask for more pa corn as she calls it.

Also, lots of time was spent sleeping :) When nap time would roll around my little one and I would curl up to watch TV and end up with both of us taking a nap. We did this for an entire week. Needless to say all week long I've been trying not to fall asleep at lunch time.

So... there you have it folks. How we spend an unexpected stay-cation at our house!

Monday, January 17, 2011

What's for dinner!

With the recent snow we ended up having to get a few extra things at the grocery store we had not planned on so staying within our grocery budget we thought would be harder this month. This afternoon I went through what we currently have at home and thanks to stockpiling we have enough food on hand to make it until the end of the month without going over budget!!
Staying on budget for the month: Check

Monday - Fried Rice
Tuesday - Spaghetti
WEdnesday - Mac and Cheese
Thursday - Beef Stroganoff
Friday - Pizza

For more menus of the week check out OrgJunkie.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow days

I took some time off from blogging yesterday to enjoy being snowed in with my family. It's now afternoon on day 2 of being snowed in and so far we have:

~ Watched the hubs get his truck stuck in the front yard
~ Popped popcorn for two days straight
~ Roasted (or tried to) hotdogs over the fire with our neighbors
~ Finished the top piece to my little one's quilt
~ Slept lots
~ Hand washed lots of dishes as the kind of detergent we have doesn't work and we aren't able to get to the store right now

And it was just announced we have another one tomorrow :) Yay for snow days!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I love Sunday's

I love....

1. Snow days spent with my little one
2. Broccoli casserole
3. Forensic Television Shows
4. Our new Sunday School change up
5. The smell of a wood burning fireplace

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Preparing for the worst

Some of you guys remember my posts about being snowed in with a sick little one and not being prepared :)

Well that won't happen again. Today my husband and I are preparing for what is suppose to be the most snow our state has seen in a long time. It's suppose to start snowing tomorrow and we right now they are expecting us to get 6-8 inches. I know that those of you who are from the north are giggling like crazy at me right now, but for us that's a lot.

We heat with electric so right now if the power goes out we're stuck without heat. Thank goodness we have some great friends who let my husband help with chopping up a tree that fell in their yard. As my husband left with some wood our friends were in the process of taking wood by the trucks to local shut ins in the community. - Good people these friends of ours.
Heat: Check

This morning we stocked up on some food we could eat in case we loose power and don't need to be opening the frig. You know... crackers, peanutbutter, applesause hotdogs. That's right. If all else fails we will open the fridge and roast hotdogs over the fire.
Food: Check

We also picked up two different types of fever reducer incase my little one starts a fever. I would hate to be without it if we needed it.
Medicine: Check

Yep, it looks like we have it all covered!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Saving money on bottled water

In our quest to be frugal I know that we have all heard that tap water is cheaper than bottled water. And it is. But there comes a problem.

Before work I would fill up my reusable water bottle to take with me to lunch, but by 8:00 I had drank my water leaving me to buy a bottle of water for lunch. Not very frugal. And I can't take multi water bottle to work. I got to thinking and came up with a solution.

On Monday mornings I fill up a pitcher with water. This goes to work with me and stays in the workroom frig. Whenever my reusable water bottle needs to be filled I have my water pitcher there saving me from having to buy a bottle.

For more frugal tips visit LifeAsMom.

If your coming from Life As Mom, I didn't realize it was financial goal week so you get a frugal tip :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The craziness that is

Yesterday I took my little one to the doctor. It turns out she has a sinus infection.

In the craziness that is life somehow the doctor prescribed her a medicine that she was allergic to. And even more crazier is that the pharmacy filled it. How was this caught you might ask? Well, after sitting in the drugstore for half and hour I got the prescription only to find as I was leaving that they gave her a medicine she can't have. This prompted a call to the doctors office.

Ok... While I wasn't happy they missed her allergy I completely see how they did it. The way it was explained to me is that our doctor's office just switched over to a new computer system thing. With the old system when someone had an allergy a big red X popped up on the screen. With the new system doctors have to go looking for an allergy and the doctors aren't use to that yet. I don't like, but completely see how it could happen.

Back inside the drugstore I asked the lady to double check her chart to make sure it showed that my little one was allergic to this particular medicine. It did, they just didn't notice it. Thank the Lord I caught it before it I gave it to her. Who know what would have happened if I hadn't caught it.

So another 30 minutes of trying to keep my little one occupied without taking everything off the shelfs and we finally get our correct medicine.

We get home only to for my little one and my husband to start playing. My little one gets to coughing, can't stop, and vomits all over our bed. Yay!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I love Sunday's

I love Sunday! Sunday is a time for worship and rest. It's also a time for reflection on the past week and thoughts about what is coming up in the week ahead.

I thought that I would like to take Sundays to expand on some of the things that I love :)

I Love....

1. Worshiping with my home church on Sunday morning
2. The various inside jokes my husband and I have
3. Clean sheets
4. This morning how I was singing to my little one and she changed the words to the song so she sang " I love you mommy" instead of what the song originally said
5. Routine

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Time well spent

Over the past few days I've spent some much needed time with the ones that I loved :)

Yesterday my husband and I had a lunch date in town. We did some errands and ate at our favorite Japanese restaurant. Smack dab in the middle of running errands my husband said to me, "I'm glad we got to have this time together. This has been fun". (Insert warm heart fuzzy feeling here). I know that I have written a few posts on my husband before and I'll say again that I'm crazy for this man! I'm so lucky to have him and can not imagine how life would be with out him.

While we were returning a movie we had rented my husband decided that our family should start a Friday movie night tradition. So we rented Toy Story 3 and spent last night watching it with my 2nd favorite person: my little one. She helped me with making popcorn and rice krispy treats and didn't think me at all crazy when I cried during the movie. I love this little girl so much it makes my heart hurt. She is by far one of the best things that has happened to me and I thank God every day for her!

We spent the first part of today with the in-laws. I know many a people who are not particularly fond of their in-laws, but I have to say that I love mine! My husband has a great family and they have taken me in like one of their own. I wish we lived closer to them then we do... it is truly a treat to spend time with them.

This evening was spent with my parents. I love my parents. They are great people and I'm so glad that God gave me to them! I feel blessed by the fact that we get to live so close to them and don't know how I would handle being on my own away from them if we ever move. If only my sister had been there it would have been perfect.

There you have it... 2 days spent with the some of the most important people in the world: my family!