Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 Goals

With a new year upon us here are some things I would like to accomplish in the new year...

1. More slowing down when reading the Word of God. With the hussle and bussle of life if I'm not careful my quiet time can all so quickly become something to check off on my to do list. This year I want to take time and meditate more than what I have been when reading my Bible.

2. Learn to make my own yogurt/butter. Preferably I would like to do this with things I have on hand. No fancy equipment to buy. I've tried to make my own yogurt before and it's been horrible. So this year I'm gonna figure it out :)

3. Learn how to can veggies from the garden. We always end of having more than we can eat so this year I would love to learn how to store some away for the winter. I would also to plant some fruit trees/bushes so we could have fruit to freeze. Do you freeze fruit?

4. Complete Baby Step 3 in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Steps. This step is to save up 3 - 6 months of living expenses. I can testify first hand why this is important. We had completed this step back in 2008. In 2009 when my husband was between jobs I was so glad we had this money to fall back on when needed. But, we also came close to depleting it. It's time to start saving away again for a rainy day!

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