Monday, April 26, 2010

Menu Planning for April 26, 2010

Here's what's on the menu for the week.

Monday - Cheese Lasagna

Tuesday - Hamburger Helper

Wednesday - Fast food on the way to church (probably Wendy's)

Thursday - My first time cooking a roast. I'm going to use the recipe found here and add in some assorted veggies.

Friday - Leftovers

For more menu planning head on over to Orgjunkie.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Yogurt, Applesauce and Potato Chips?

That was by daughter's diet for today! I'm hoping the yogurt and applesauce cancel out the potato chips :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tackling the grocery store

I love grocery shopping. It's one of the most relaxing things I can do. Even when I am on an extremely tight budget wondering how the money is going to make it, I love grocery shopping.

Under one arm I have my grocery list, coupons, and reusable bags. Under the other arm I have my one year old, a diaper bag, and a pocket book. Really, the grocery cart looks kinda full before I make it into the store :) When I get like this I feel like a woman on a mission! It makes me feel good knowing that I am providing for my family while being a good steward of the resources God has given me (I feel like I've wrote that in a blog before).

One thing that tends to come up is getting everything in the buggy with child in tow. My little girl tends to want to hold things as they are being put in the buggy or after 15 minutes she is extremely tired and wants to be held. So what's a mom to do? Have a snack!

That's my money saving tip for today: Always have a snack for the little ones on hand before you go into the store.

By doing this I am able to spend a little more time in the grocery store. I can make sure I am getting the best bang for my buck and not having to grab the first thing I see on a speed race out the door.

This also helps from getting my little one a snack at the store spending and ending up spend more money convenient items. I can pack some cheerios that I got for $1.00 a box or I can pack some apple slices bought on clearance right before they went bad.

By doing this I am able to make sure and get the things that I need while still being able to keep my little one happy :)

For more money saving tips visit Lifeasmom.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Preacher says it best

I think a lot of of women don't understand the importance of how they dress.

When I met my husband he was completely aware of how women dressed. That's when he introduced me to the book, "Everyman's Battle". After reading this book I became of aware of how important it is for women to be concerned about how they dress. It completely changed my outlook on how important this was.

Yesterday the preacher at our church wrote a wonderful blog about this topic from a christian's man view. He wrote about how young girls are looking to us as role models for how to dress and all to often we lead them down the wrong path, even christian women. (I'll post his link at the bottom of the page).

Dressing modestly brings up lots of heated feelings. I don't feel to dress modestly you must be in a skirt down to the floor (of course if that is your personal conviction then that is what you need to follow). I do however feel it is important for short or skirts to be appropiate lengths and for tops not to be low cut.

Dressing modestly should be something that works for all christian women.

For more WFMW visit We are that Family.

Here's the link to a Christian Man's view on modesty! Check it out :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My family loves a good pizza :) For a long time we had pizza every Friday night. As I'm making the switch to more natural food one thing that I'm at a loss for is a good pizza dough recipe that we all like. If you have a good pizza dough recipe I'd love it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Menu Planning for April 19, 2010

This week we're trying to use up some stuff in the pantry. My husband is having a busy week at work so it will probably be me and the little one most nights.

Monday - Eggs

Tuesday - Hamburgers

Wednesday - Spaghetti

Thursday - Left overs

Friday - Roast

For more menus head on over to OrgJunkie.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I've been doing lots of research lately about the various things that are found in our food. Just a word of advice... don't do this research unless your really ready for it. It's kinda scary. Everywhere you look you'll find various things that are put into our food to preserve, to flavor, to color etc... The more research I do, the more I am trying to find a way to feed my family wholesome nutritious meal that aren't loaded with lots of chemicals that shouldn't been eaten.

If you do research on where your meat comes from it's frightening. My family is a big beef eater. There's nothing better than a grilled out hamburger with baked beans :) In my mind I had an idea of cattle being raised on a farm grazing grass until time for butchering, which I imagined was as humane as possible.

Apparently though most beef we eat comes from a farm where cows are fed a diet of corn. Now, keep in mind cows are made to eat grass, not corn! When animals are forced to eat things that are not part of their natural diet imagine all that does to one's system.

(Side note....I didn't plan for this to become a post on the problem of where our food comes from so I'll stop now)

A few weeks ago I discovered a wonderful meat market located in near my house in Georgia.

This meat market only carries grass raised beef with no artificial anything added, and boy does it taste wonderful. I bought some ground beef a few weeks back so I could make hamburgers. As I left the store the checkout lady said she would see me back in a few weeks. She was right. I went back today to take advantage of one of their family packs where you can buy meat in bulk at a cheaper per pound price.

I am so glad that I found a way to provide meat for my family that isn't loaded full of artificial ingredients!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring is in the air :)

I love spring time! Birds chirping, trees blooming... the whole nine yards. I love yard sailing on Saturday mornings and cooking out on Sunday afternoons. I love the fact that we're gardening this year. I love the smell you have after freshly cut grass. I think if I could bottle the smell of newly cut grass it would be wonderful. Yep I love spring!

Spring is a time of new beginnings. There is newness everywhere you turn. This time of year I am always reminded of the newness we have in our Saviour. It never ceases to amaze me how when we were in the middle of our darkness he gave us the opportunity of life.

What a mighty God we serve!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where have I been?

Everywhere it seems! Life has gotten away from me, but with spending last week on spring break and with being able to catch up with everything I plan on posting again. I have to catch everyone up on the crazy happenings I have had lately :)