Friday, October 7, 2011


It never ends :)

Once I get caught up it seems like things are back at the beginning again. I've been going back and forth trying to find an affordable environmental friendly laundry detergent and haven't had much luck until recently.

After ordering my new cloth diapers I knew I needed a special detergent (I messed up my last set of cloth diapers by using a not so great detergent). The Bungenius detergent seemed expensive so I ended up ordering some Charlie's Soap online.

I love it!!

It has worked wonderfully and we've had no diaper rashes from the cloth diapers as some others have reported. Now I am currently saving up for this.

We do around one load of laundry a day at my house. It seems that is the only way I can stop on top of the laundry here. This pail should last us over 2 1/2 years. That's around $44 a year for laundry detergent.... or $3.67 a month... :)

This is a great price for environmentally friendly laundry detergent.

For more frugal tips visit Lifeasmom!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

And baby makes.... 4

It's been quite a while since my last post... ok 8 months. More than quite a while. But to be fair, I've been a busy lady :)

In January I took a position as a freelance writer for a local online newspaper. I wrote columns about all things regarding being a mommy. Two weeks ago due to budget cuts the mommy column was axed. This means that I've now got more time to go back to my blog and writing about whatever suits my fancy.

I also spent the entire summer sick... I mean sick as a dog sick. With my first little one I never experienced any sickness. With the new little one on the way I've had more sickness than I ever thought possible. But thank goodness the sickness is behind me now as I head into my third trimester.

And we've begun getting things ready for another lady to make her way into our family :)