Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goals for 2010

I've been giving lots of thought to my 2010 goals and what better way to hold myself accountable than to share them with everyone :)

Here goes....

My goals for 2010

1. Complete The Bible in 90 Days study with the ladies over at momstoolbox. Never reading the Bible in it's entirety is something that I am not proud of. God's word is our most powerful weapon against the enemy and we can't use it effectively if we've never read it. I can't wait to start this journey.

2. Use reusable bags when shopping. I bought some cloth holiday bags (made from recycled material) the other day which will make the perfect reusable bags for the grocery store. I bought 3 different colors so I can have different bags for cleaning supplies, dry goods, and cold stuff.

3. Make my own kitty litter. We got a cat in December. My little girl loves her, I hate having to spend money on kitty litter if I don't have to. This year I would like to save some money by learning to make my own instead of buying some. Not only will this be better for my pocketbook, but the environment as well.

4. Become better with my cash system. There are many places you can turn to to work towards becoming debt free. Two of my favorite are Dave Ramsey and Crown Financial Ministry. I have gone through Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover and enjoy listening to Crown Financial Ministry through my local radio station. Both emphasis the importance of spending cash for purchases. My husband and I started becoming serious about spending cash a few months ago and have really seen a differences in our finances. My goal is to develop a cash system for more than just groceries and cleaning supplies.

For more 2010 goals checkout thehappyhousewife.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The First :)

I am blessed beyond measure. My life is filled with family, happiness, and love. I am a work outside the home mom to a wonderful little girl and try desperately to be a good steward of the resources God has given me. My husband is truly my better half and I thank God everyday that he brought us together.

After the birth of my daughter I became aware of the things (chemicals) that I am bringing into my house (exposing my daughter to). I also became aware of exactly how far a dollar is capable of going. I hope to use this blog as a way to share some homemaking and frugality tips I have learned along my journey to becoming a baby-food-making, cloth-diaper-washing mom :)